
Facebook将在英德法印巴五国推新闻服务 向出版商付费

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Facebook全球新闻合作伙伴事务副总裁坎贝尔·布朗(Campbell Brown)在一份声明中称:“在不同的 ,消费者习惯和新闻报道各不相同,我们将与每个 的新闻合作伙伴密切合作,量身定制体验,并测试为用户提供宝贵体验的方式,同时也会尊重出版商的商业模式。”

Campbell brown, vice president of global news partner affairs at Facebook, said in a statement: "in different countries, consumer habits and news coverage are different. We will work closely with news partners in each country to tailor the experience and test ways to provide users with valuable experience, At the same time, we will respect the business model of publishers. "



去年8月,Facebook证实,正在开发一项新闻服务“News Tab”(新闻标签)。该产品将于秋季(2019年秋)推出,旨在向Facebook用户提供“值得信赖的新闻”。

确切而言,News Tab将成为Facebook移动应用程序(App)中的一个新部分,将为读者呈现 新的新闻报道。Facebook还表示,计划聘请一支编辑和记者团队,为即将推出的News Tab服务保驾护航。

Specifically, the news tab will become a new part of the Facebook Mobile App, presenting readers with the latest news stories. Facebook also said it plans to hire a team of editors and journalists to escort the upcoming news tab service.