
全球月活跃用户近10亿的Tiktok要开放中国卖家入驻了!comprar seguidores Tiktok baratos,美国版抖音 followers


正在大家为新流量新平台愁眉不展的时候,Tiktok近日放出重磅消息,Tiktok Shop也就是俗称的小黄车已经正式支持 跨境卖家入驻了!只凭国内的营业执照就可以申请!小黄车继在印尼试点之后,再次对英国开放小黄车,对不断在寻找流量和渠道的跨境卖家来说,是一个天大的利好!

At a time when everyone is worried about the new traffic and new platform, tiktok recently released a heavy news that tiktok shop, commonly known as Xiaohuang car, has officially supported the entry of Chinese cross-border sellers! You can apply only with your domestic business license! After the pilot project in Indonesia, the small yellow car is opened to the UK again, which is a great benefit for cross-border sellers who are constantly looking for traffic and channels!comprar seguidores Tiktok baratos,美国版抖音 followers

已经有卖家反馈受邀入驻了英国Tiktok Shop,一个上午都能出几十单!借助Tiktok Shop,你甚至都不需要亚马逊店铺或独立网站都可以卖货!


很多卖家已经开始关心Tiktok 如何注册,如何带货,Tiktok shop怎么申请,建议大家一定要好好跟进Tiktok的下一步动态!因为抖音在国内的带货发展路径,很有可能在国外再走一遍!

什么是Tiktok Shop

做过国内抖音店的朋友不应该不熟悉,商店上传商品视频锚点(即小黄车)购物,整个过程在抖音闭环中完成,与用户跳到外部网站购买相比,TikTok Shop闭环购买可以大大减少用户流失。

Tiktok Shop则具备了常规的电商后台管理功能,点点鼠标就可以上传产品,管理订单和做促销。



This news is very good for businesses with content creation ability that have been laid out in tiktok. Although many businesses open tiktok accounts in the United States, and have tried to bring goods with short videos. But first of all, for the tiktok UK account, you only need to set up the UK IP address and quickly open the UK tiktok account. For other cross-border sellers who have not laid out the tiktok track, but want to try more sales platforms, it is also recommended to run in small steps.comprar seguidores Tiktok baratos,美国版抖音 followers


根据Tiktok Shop招商入驻的 新政策,想要在使用Tiktok shop功能, 你必须得有定位在英国的Tiktok的账户, 且对粉丝数量、视频数量都有一定的要求!

