
Facebook即将推出一款专为游戏打造的APP 正式进军直播界

脸书(Facebook)即将推出一款名为“Facebook Gaming”的手机App,试图从亚马逊的Twich和谷歌的Youtube手中抢夺市场份额,下面让我们一起来看看吧!

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“Facebook Gaming”的核心用户目标是那些在脸书中观看游戏流媒体(游戏直播)的人,根据Streamlabs的数据,在游戏流媒体市场上脸书的总观看小时数排名第三,仅次于Youtube和Twitch。脸书 声称在每月25亿的用户中就有超过7亿人在观看游戏直播。

The core users of "Facebook gaming" are those who watch game streaming (live game) on Facebook. According to the data of streamlabs, the total viewing hours of Facebook rank third in the game streaming market, after youtube and twitch. Facebook officials say more than 700 million of its 2.5 billion users a month watch live games.

脸书的程序负责人Fidji Simo告诉《纽约时报》,其实他们原本打算在6月份才推出这款App,而如今疫情肆虐,使得人们的游戏活动激增,所以公司加快了这一计划。

Fidji Simo表示:“目前投资游戏已经成为了我们的首要任务,因为我们认为游戏是一种真正将人们联系在一起的娱乐形式。”

而对于为何选择先完善手机App,脸书负责游戏业务的副总裁Vivek Sharma表示他们专注于此是因为手机的观看体验比电脑观看更强烈:“我们不想在别人做作业或做其他事情的时候成为Chrome标签页的背景窗口,在移动端,只要你打开了App,只要你使用它,它就一直在前台显示,你就不能在手机上做任何其他的事情了。”

As for why we choose to improve the mobile app first, Vivek, the vice president in charge of the game business of Facebook Sharma said that they focused on this because the viewing experience of mobile phone is stronger than that of computer: "we don't want to be the background window of chrome tab when others do homework or other things. On the mobile end, as long as you open the app and use it, it will be displayed in the foreground all the time, and you can't do anything else on the mobile phone."