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在现如今这个网络科技日益发达的时代,人们的交流共同工具也发生着很大的改变,这在很大程度上也影响了 贸易中的所使用的交流联系手段。毕竟, 贸易并不等同于一些普通的小贸易活动,它牵扯的是国与国之间在商业上进行的各种利益性活动。而大部分 在距离上都是非常远的,往往需要漂洋过海,因此,在前期试探彼此间的商业合作意愿的时候就直接见面,那样不仅会耗费很多的时间和金钱,也是一件不理智的行为,这时充当网络联通代言人的“邮件”就发挥了很大的作用。而且,邮件已是当前 贸易中使用范围很广的一种沟通手段,主要适用于前期一些商业合作需求的试探。因此,外贸业务员无论是新人,还是“老油条”,掌握好一定的外贸邮件写作技巧那在实践工作中还是十分受用的。


First, improve the attractiveness of email headers. As we all know, in the process of editing relevant foreign trade e-mails, the e-mail title is a required item. At the same time, the e-mail title is also a concentrated embodiment of the essence of the whole e-mail content. Through the e-mail subject, we can see at a glance what nature and subject this e-mail is, so as to determine whether this e-mail has certain reply value, It can be seen how important it is to prepare a foreign trade e-mail title. However, the problem now is that everyone is aware of the importance of e-mail headers and has made some efforts on them. There are even some templates for foreign trade e-mail headers specially designed for different situations. Over time, the titles of these foreign trade e-mails have gradually developed towards uniformity, which makes the e-mail titles gradually lose some new ideas. If customers see some regular headlines, they will certainly open the email content with a coping attitude, and may even delete the email and put it into the dustbin directly. In order to prevent such a cold reception of our foreign trade mail, we must improve the attractiveness of the title of our foreign trade mail. An attractive foreign trade e-mail title is also a very important skill in writing foreign trade e-mail.

其次,就是提高邮件内容上的质量性,那么衡量一封高质量的外贸邮件内容的标准是什么呢?内容简明扼要,且通俗易懂,这样的邮件便是属于一封高质量的外贸邮件。我们在编辑邮件内容的时候,在心中可以先把自己想要传达给客户的主要信息过一过,然后提取其中的精华内容,尽量把主要内容以寥寥数语表达出来,同时在英语词汇的选用上,使用一些常用并非常容易看懂的单词,这样的话,客户可以在短时间及时有效获取我们传达的商业信息。同时我们也要注意邮件主题上的有始有终性,整个邮件一定要坚持一个主题,不要交叉有其他主题,这样多重主题的邮件内容客户是 讨厌的了,因为很容易令人不知所云,这点我们是一定要注意避免的。

第三,重视我们在整个邮件行文内容中的语气和态度。其实,很多时候我们的个人情绪或者态度,会在一定程度上融入到我们所编辑的邮件内容中。我们应该本着真诚的态度来与客户进行交流,因此,在编辑邮件时, 好避免使用一些祈使命令语气的词汇,这种祈使命令的词汇使用多了,让人觉得很强硬,很没礼貌,容易引起对方的反感,反而会违背了我们给外贸客户发送外贸邮件的初衷。而且,在做这种 化的生意的时候,有时候一些信息我们确保准确传达到即可,不要加一些硬性推销的内容,这些硬性推销内容的文字很容易会使邮件被自动拦截。整个外贸邮件的行文间我们只需要诚恳认真、不卑不亢,按照平时正常态度来就行。


Fourth, when we write foreign trade e-mails, we must not ignore the contents of e-mail signature and e-mail postscript. The signature of e-mail is a sign of important information such as the of a company. We must not ignore this important information. Through the improvement of these contents, we can improve the customer's impression of our company, so as to imperceptibly leave our company's name in the customer's consciousness, so as to facilitate the future trade cooperation between the two sides. By adding some postscript information, customers can click to view relevant information as needed.
