
Facebook将推出新功能 让用户直接在FB应用中查看Instagram Stories

据外媒Neowin报道,在整合消息平台的过程中,Facebook正计划推出一项功能,让用户可以直接在Facebook主应用中看到Instagram Stories。该功能目前似乎正在测试中,于周五早些时候被 ec_wife发现。随后, MattNavarra也向Facebook的技术传播经理证实了这一点。

According to foreign media Neowin, in the process of integrating the messaging platform, Facebook is planning to launch a feature that allows users to see instagram stories directly in the main Facebook app. The feature appears to be in testing and was released earlier Friday_ Life found out. Later, Matt Navarra confirmed this to Facebook's technology communications manager.

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For the feature to work, users must link to their Facebook and instagram accounts and choose to join the experience. The feature is expected to respect all existing privacy settings, and story owners can choose whether they want their content to be cross application. It's not clear whether this is a one-off option or whether it needs to be done for each story. In addition, content owners will be able to get all the statistics on instagram itself, including who browsed stories and replies.

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