
如何找准自己TikTok账号定位?(中)best to buy tik tok followers






  • 如果你是负责帮公司运营TikTok账号的运营专员,你可以直接选择公司内现有的产品。如果是自己想要了解TikTok这个领域的小伙伴们也可以利用目前手头上现有的供应链产品,会比从0-1轻松得多,因为当你真正出单变现后,有优势的供应链可以直接帮你省去很多麻烦。如果是这个行业的纯小白,无货源,从0开始也不用担心,跨境人一直都是从逆境中成长,先强化好内功就可以来什么解决什么。

    If you are the operation specialist who is responsible for operating tiktok account for the company, you can directly choose the existing products in the company. If you want to know about tiktok, your partners in this field can also use the existing supply chain products on hand, which will be much easier than starting from 0-1, because when you really make an order and realize it, the advantageous supply chain can directly save you a lot of trouble. If you are a pure white in this industry and have no source of goods, don't worry from 0. Cross border people have always grown from adversity. You can solve anything by strengthening your internal skills to buy tik tok followers

  • 可以根据自己的兴趣爱好来选择产品定位,比如你喜欢美妆,对美妆有一定的技巧实力,也可以直接把自己打造成一个IP人设,如果你不懂化妆,可以去By一些你平时关注的一些时尚博主发布的视频,根据自己的兴趣去选择定位, 大的好处是在运营TikTok账号后续的工作中,可以更有动力完成运营计划,毕竟在运营TikTok账号的过程中,执行力是必不可少的环节。

    You can choose product positioning according to your interests. For example, you like beauty makeup and have certain skills in beauty makeup. You can also directly build yourself into an IP device. If you don't know makeup, you can go by some videos published by some fashion bloggers you usually pay attention to and choose positioning according to your interests. The biggest advantage is that you can be more motivated to complete the operation plan in the subsequent work of operating tiktok account, After all, in the process of operating tiktok account, execution is an essential to buy tik tok followers

  • 对标大V爆款视频中的产品,定期关注大V内容更新,分析大V的内容营销中所打造的爆款产品。




  • 萌宠类:短视频受众广,涨cheap粉快,但是不容易变现。

  • 美食类:比较不存在文化差异,特别是我们国内的一些牛人秀刀法,秀各种操作的视频在TikTok上很火爆,但是也是没有那么容易变现。

  • 美妆类:产品涨cheap粉慢,但是精准用户多,比较容易实现变现。

  • 手工类:涨cheap粉相对萌宠类来说比不上,但是变现也比较快

后建议大家在开始养号阶段, 好使用两个账号,一个专门用来了解海外文化,培养短视频营销网感,看一下TikTok平台上各 用户对哪些方面感兴趣,先了解平台和平台用户调性,这样才能更好的创作出容易打动用户,与用户产生共鸣的优质视频。另外一个专门用来运营TikTok账号,如果实力允许,可以批量运营TikTok账号,毕竟我国安全上网方面大家都懂的,这里我就不细说了。