
Instagram将向用户建议封锁名单 杜绝闲杂人等

在社交平台上不时会看到平台建议可能认识的人来加入好友,不过Instagram 近开发的新功能就是向用户建议封锁名单,减少不必要的闲杂人等关注自己的内容。

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据消息指,Instagram正在测试这个新功能,其基本原理是通过用户连接的Facebook账户,获得已封锁用户的清单,然后如果发现同样的人在Instagram中也有出现,就会建议用户在Instagram上同样封锁这个用户。据发现这个功能的Alessandro Paluzzi估计,这个功能将会在Facebook在Instagram上集成Messenger的时候开放。

According to the news, instagram is testing this new function. Its basic principle is to get the list of blocked users through the user's connected Facebook account. If the same person is found in instagram, it will suggest that the user block the same user on instagram. Alessandro paluzzi, who discovered the feature, estimates that it will open when Facebook integrates messenger with instagram.



In addition to suggesting blocking, he also found that the option of directly connecting to messenger will be added in the settings. In the future, it will be a matter of time for Facebook to make more in-depth integration of its platforms, which is expected to be officially implemented within this year. By that time, it will be easier for these platforms to interact with each other. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to join the suggested blockade list, so as to avoid people using the blockade differences between platforms to harass.