


使用影响者营销,可以帮助我们在短时间内获取大量的品牌曝光。其次,我们虽然使用了影响者营销,但是还是应该进行目标人群的定位,因为这样能够有效的提升我们的投资回报率。利用有影响力的营销,使我们的品牌可以以一种比较自然的方式进入到tiktok中,建立我们品牌的亲和力,从而吸引更多转化并快速跟踪广告系列。重新利用内容并通过TikTok广告进行推广,是保证完全优化广告系列并获得 佳效果的理想之选。

Using influencer marketing can help us get a lot of brand exposure in a short time. Secondly, although we use influencer marketing, we should target the target group, because it can effectively improve our return on investment. By using influential marketing, our brand can enter tiktok in a more natural way, and establish the affinity of our brand, so as to attract more transformation and quickly track the advertising series. Reusing content and promoting it through tiktok advertising is an ideal choice to fully optimize the advertising series and get the best results.







As the epidemic has affected most parts of the world, people can only stay at home, so in order to pass the time, many people on tiktok began to perform dance challenges, show cooking skills, and perform comedies and short plays. During this period, more and more users joined the platform, and some users gained a surge of fans in a short time, and created more content than ever before. Every day, new trends emerge, and marketers should take this opportunity to become a part of the community.