


有点出乎意料的是,该平台 杰出的评论家之一已经成为喜剧演员、作家和演员萨莎·拜伦·科恩。事实上,他在11月向反诽谤联盟发表的强有力的演讲,将脸谱网描述为“历史上 伟大的宣传机器”,迅速传播开来。(我们休息在此发布。)  

Somewhat unexpectedly, one of the platform's most prominent critics has become comedian, writer and actor Sasha Byron Cohen. In fact, in a powerful speech to the anti defamation coalition in November, he described Facebook as "the greatest propaganda machine in history," which spread rapidly( We'll post here.)   


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人们可以想象,一直直言不讳的马斯克 近因为特斯拉的价值飙升而变得更加大胆。然而,马斯克长期以来一直是脸谱网的批评者。2018年,他删除了他公司的脸谱网页,发了一条推特,说他不“喜欢脸谱网”。让我惊讶。对不起。



According to reports, in 2014, musk met with Zuckerberg, researchers from Facebook's then new AI Lab, and two other Facebook executives at Zuckerberg's home in Palo Alto to try to convince musk that his view of the potential dangers of AI was wrong. Musk was not convinced, he did not change his mind, he said Zuckerberg's understanding of the future of artificial intelligence as a limited "2017.".